

News and opinions

Don’t forget – data protection rules still apply when using AI

According to a recent report on fundraising in the UK, 57% of charity professionals are now using AI in some way, with almost half of the 850 people surveyed saying they felt positive about the technology. 

 It certainly has the potential to make the fundraiser’s life easier. For example, by automating some of those time-consuming admin tasks, and providing valuable insights into data that can help charities build deeper relationships with supporters and raise more funds. Understandably then, many are experimenting to see just how it can improve both their own working lives, and the lives of those their charities support.

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Melanie May
What the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill means for fundraisers

We might not have a date for it yet, but new data protection legislation is coming that will change some of the GDPR and PECR rules we’re familiar with. We are already aware of a number of changes, but it’s worth reminding ourselves as to what these are likely to be; after all forewarned is forearmed. For fundraisers, the changes are generally a loosening of some of the current restrictions we work under.

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Melanie May
How to get the most from your CRM

A new management system is a huge investment. Suzanne Lewis explains how to make it work for you, and your donors.

CRM systems can be a big investment for charities, not just in terms of money, but in time and effort to implement. It’s essential then that this shiny new system delivers not only for you, but also for your donors, your beneficiaries and your future needs.

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Melanie May
Do you want to build your supporter base with the right type of people? … ask a list broker.

With digital now as crowded as the doormat used to be, charities are increasingly considering cold direct mail as a route to new audiences. But for any charity thinking about using this channel, one of the most important questions will be how to determine who to mail, ideally those people who are most likely to support your work and stick with you into the future. The key is in finding the best and most responsive mailing data for your cause.  

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Melanie May
Leave your direct mail preconceptions at the door

I was talking to a fundraising manager at a tiny charity recently and, while she had been in the sector for a number of years, she was surprised to hear that cold direct mail still existed. This was mainly because she never receives it. However, she was under 30, and had also moved a lot, so I explained that a) she wouldn’t be the usual target audience for charities and b) she would be pretty hard to find on a file due to her moves.

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Melanie May
Does your privacy policy cover all your data usage?

Many of us may feel that things have settled down regarding working within the rules of GDPR. We are all well drilled in knowing that we need to have made a conscious decision as to what lawful basis we are operating under for processing personal data.

However, we mustn’t forget the requirement to be honest, fair and transparent at all times. And this means providing clear guidance on what we do with people’s personal data, including what profiling activities are taking place, and why.

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Melanie May
2022 erratic mailing performance – what to do

We know the pandemic years have added dramatically to the pressures of most charities. So, it was fantastic to see some charities achieving amazing results with their direct mailing activities during this time. Not just to their existing donors but also in finding new ones.

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Melanie May
Turning your direct mail green

Direct mail is currently achieving great results – with so many more people now based in the home, engagement has soared.

Mail has long been a vital communication channel for charities needing to fundraise and communicate impact with their supporters. A mail pack gives unrivalled space to tell a story through beautifully written copy and impactful images that can really engage. And we know that the best mailings have longevity in the home, being held on to, re-read and passed on to others; all helping to build awareness, recall, and response.

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Melanie May
Season's greetings and may all your data be responsive!

Christmas is fast approaching! Trees are up, lights are on, and all around us there’s the hustle and bustle of people (and Santa) planning the big day.

The build up to Christmas is also a vital fundraising season for so many charities needing to engage with supporters and prospects. And knowing how important it is that campaigns connect with the right people, at the right time, with the most relevant message for them, is obviously crucial.

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Jenny Turner
Greener fundraising in a climate crisis

Delighted to have been asked to contribute to the European Fundraising Association’s November Special Focus feature on greener fundraising in a climate crisis.

Here’s an excerpt:

As world leaders debate how best to tackle global warming at COP26, the extent of the climate crisis and the need for urgent action has never been more apparent. In Fundraising Europe, we explore what steps nonprofits can take towards greener and more sustainable fundraising.

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Melanie May
GDPR changes are coming - charities must have a say & focus on supporter education

In a blog written for the Chartered Institute of Fundraising and published this week, Suzanne Lewis looks at the government’s consultation on data and at what implications this is likely to have on charities and fundraising.

Here’s an excerpt:

With the government’s current consultation Data: a new direction looking at overhauling the UK’s data privacy rules, it’s clear we’re going to see some changes. And these changes may have implications for charity fundraising.

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Melanie May
Fundraising needs more calculated risk!

When it comes to growing a charity’s fundraising programme, the temptation is to stick to your comfort zone and play it safe. It’s an understandable approach when the economic climate is uncertain. And, of course, when you’re spending money the public has donated and entrusted to you to use responsibly.

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Melanie May